Practice a shift of Focus During Deployment

Written 11/22/2020

Do you ever feel your mind focusing on negative thoughts while your spouse is deployed?  It is easy to do because when your mind takes over, it has a tendency to move toward the negative and drown out the clear, positive voice.  My husband was deployed in the middle of the COVID -19 pandemic.  Not only did I not have control of his world as he was across the ocean, I did not have control of the world outside my home and I felt the constant threat of the virus looming.  I had guilt every time I allowed my children to play at a friend's house, took them to dance or gymnastics, or planned a weekend outing.  I felt an extreme amount of pressure as I tried to make decisions for the welfare of my family without the backing of Josh.  It was mentally exhausting.  At times, I definitely needed to shift my focus.

Pratipaksha Bhavana is the ability to see things from a different point of view by understanding a higher absolute truth.  I believe in God, so most of the time, I would give my fears up to Him and look for the silver lining the world around me.  The goal of Pratipaksha Bhavana is to notice that nothing will get you down because your mind is fixed on the positive.   And those silver linings were there in the midst of COVID and deployment.  

Have you ever tried to change a negative thought to a positive one?  Some people say a mantra every morning, sing an uplifting tune, say a prayer of gratitude.  If we have awareness and understanding of our mental patterns, we will be able to see a negative thought coming and know how to change it before it takes hold.  

Try this practice from the book The Yoga Mind by Rina Jakubowicz:

Grab a pen and a journal or paper and set a timer for 10 min.  Close your eyes and write anything that pops into mind.  Try not to edit or open your eyes while writing.  Once you are finished, put down the pen and read what you wrote.  Do you notice a common theme?  Do you hear a negative affirmation repeatedly?  If so, shift your perspective on the situation and exchange a negative thought for a positive one.  This is the first step toward Pratipaksha  bhavana.  

Are you in preparing for a deployment or in the midst of one?  Get my Top 10 List for Surviving Deployment here!


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