Who needs a Deployment Project Anyway?

 Written 11/14/2020

When Josh was preparing to go on his deployment, he told me that many spouses will choose a project to complete during deployment to help them stay busy and pass the time.  I thought, "that is crazy!"  I knew that I would be plenty busy juggling the household, my three kids, my yoga teaching and practice, and my religious service.  That sounded like plenty to do.  

But then Josh left.  I quickly recognized that I would not be able to use the many mundane tasks of my life to pass the time and feel fulfilled.  I know that what I do day in and day out matters, but it did not feel that I would have anything concrete to show for my time while Josh was gone.  And Josh would come home with a wealth of new experiences.  A ll of a sudden, a deployment project did not seem like such a bad idea.

Cecilia Holle, owner of GYM in Enid, OK, told me of Namastream, an online platform where I could launch an online yoga studio.  All of a sudden, things just clicked.  I have always wanted to own my own studio but being part of the Air Force means that we are not stable in one location for more than three years.  An online studio would move with me and it would give me the means to connect with beloved yogis that I have left behind.  I joined Namastream and became Yoga Traveler.

Namastream taught me all that it takes to make a stab at the internet world.  There was so much more than just simply recording videos and putting them online.  I started a yoga blog yogatravelerabby@blogspot.com, I opened a MailChimp account for newsletters and mailings, I got way more visible on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/yoga.traveler.abby and Instagram @yogatravelerabby, and I watched HOURS and DAYS and WEEKS of training videos from Namastream.  It was a huge learning curve for me and let's face it, I still have a long way to go.

But it all made so much sense to me!  Finally I had a place to offer programs that I was passionate about.  I had to place to share my voice and my movement.  I had all the control in the world over my online site when sometimes I had little control over other aspects of my life.  I had a very creative outlet that brings me a TON of joy.  

Sure, many nights I go to bed way to late.  And I was right when I told Josh that I would not lack for things to do.  But I do feel fulfilled and when Josh returns, we will both have things to share from our time apart.  So who needs a deployment project anyway, "I do, I do!"  


Are you in preparing for a deployment or in the midst of one?  Get my Top 10 List for Surviving Deployment here! https://www.yogatraveler.net/top-10-tips-to-survive-deployment


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