Namaste Deployment!

Written on 7/19/2020

Namaste is roughly translated as "the light within me honors and loves the light within you." Namaste is an expression of honor and respects the other person as being made as the same Pure Consciousness as you. (Rina Jakubowicz)  When we say and hear Namaste, we feel a sense of union, compassion, and acknowledgment, regardless of circumstances.  

So let's say Namaste to our deployed loved one today.  Can I feel a sense of union with my spouse while he is an ocean away?  I have to say that technology helps.  Currently, my husband is quarantined on base in Germany due to COVID- 19 and we have established a good FaceTime schedule when I first wake in the morning and then again before he goes to bed.  Sometimes we do not have a lot to say but I can still enjoy the union of our voices and thoughts being expressed. Can I feel compassion for my spouse?  Yes, I can empathize with his impatience at his situation in a holding pattern and his desire to eventually move on to his real work in Africa.  And he can acknowledge my frustrations learning to navigate my life without him.  
Just a little Namaste and COVID humor!

"There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it ill behooves any of us to find fault with the rest of us." -James Truslow Adams (American Writer and Historian)

Sit comfortably with your spine long and your hands in prayer in front of your heart.  Close your eyes .  Visualize your deployed loved one.  Feel their warmth and love in your heart.  Bow your head and say "Namaste" to your loved one three times, sincerely.

Are you in preparing for a deployment or in the midst of one?  Get my Top 10 List for Surviving Deployment here!


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