The Three Gunas

We are all made up of parts of the Three Gunas (mental state): Tamas (inertia), Rajas (activity), and Sattva (purity).  See the chart below for a description of three gunas.

Take this quiz to see what is your defining guna right now:

We all want to move ourselves toward Sattva so here are some practices you can do to shift your mental energy from the book The Yoga Mind by Rina Jakubowicz:

Sit on your couch and mindlessly watch TV.  Notice how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally after spending time being lazy.  Grab your journal and pen and make a list of three areas of your life in which you tend to procrastinate.  Reflect on how you feel daily when you take no action.  Now reflect on how you will feel if you decide to take action and accomplish your tasks.

Get your yoga mat and come into plankPush the floor away and round the upper back.  Exhale and lower into chaturanga. Inhale and straighten the arms for upward facing dog.  Exhale and press the hips high for downward facing dog.  Inhale into plank and repeat this 8 times.  Is your mind agitated- either from physical exhaustion or unfulfilled desires? Just observe.

Get your yoga mat and come into plank.  Press your palms flat and round your back some. This could create the sensation of pushing the floor away from you.  Drop your knees to the floor for support if needed.  Hold the pose for 20 breaths and remember to be poised, serene, and contemplative.

Get started the right way with Yoga! Download for FREE “Top 10 List for Yoga Beginners.” Link


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