Svadharma: Live Your Truth

 Let's talk about an aspect of the yogic lifestyle, Svadharma.  This principle belongs in the Bhagavad Gita, an antient Hindu text that embodies the themes of realizing one's true essential nature.  Svadharma means that we should live according to our own nature, live our truth. 

People who decide to follow their true natures lead successful and rich lives.  To know if you are living according to your own nature, look at the decisions you make.  If they are based on your essential nature regardless of what society expects, you are living your full life.

I am feeling this way a little as I find my political views in the minority within the community I am living. I am not outwardly political and I do not post my views on FaceBook.  However, I have a strong conviction in my free agency and my duty to vote.  It is my god given right to choose from my conscience and values and that may not match up with those around me.  I have felt a strong impression that I need to teach my children that they also have the right the choose.  They need to understand the democratic process and when it is time for them to vote, they should research and choose from their conscience.  They should not be swayed by my opinions or the "popular" vote.  My truth is influenced strongly by my faith.  But that I have chosen as well.  I do not simply believe what my parents taught me, I have searched for my own conviction of the truth.  This is the way I choose to live my truth; quietly, one free will choice at a time.  

People who follow their nature must be strong and resilient enough to go against the flow.  If we understand our essential nature, we will be able to serve ourselves and others in the most efficient way.  This is genuine living at its best!

Try this practice from The Yoga Mind: 52 Essential Principles by Rina Jakubowicz:

Grab a journal and pen.  Answer the following questions the best you can to determine what your nature consists of.  

    + What did you want to be when you grew up?

    + What are your natural passions?

    + What would you do for work if you never had to worry about being paid?

    + What are your first thoughts in the morning?

    + What are you naturally good at?

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  1. I love svadharma as a truth that transcends culture, or we might say, takes us back to the master culture. It can also be translated honoring one's calling or going one's way. I've been thinking much about this lately as I evaluate my own personal tao. Agency is the most beautiful gift our eternal soul receives in this mortal incarnation. To use it mindfully to its fullest is our greatest respect we pay to the God we worship. Namaste, my friend.

    1. Thank you for your beautiful response Bonnie. I also find truth from our God as I teach and strive to live the tenements of yoga.


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