Yoga Against the Wall

The Wall.  Not just an excellent Pink Floyd album or a phase for exasperation (you drive me up the wall), but a useful yoga prop. Have you ever used the wall to assist your practice?  Here are some ideas to get you started:

I love this restorative pose.  We can relax our core and back as we reap the benefits for our circulation and metabolism. Move the couch out of the way and swing your legs up the wall!

The wall can be a powerful assist when learning the alignment needed for a handstand or head stand.  It is just simply less scary to be upside down when there is a strong wall behind you!

The wall can assist us in alignment while in forward folds.  It is easy to lean too far back on our heels when in Uttanasana or Prasarita Padottansana.  The wall will push us to line the hips with our heels and get a deeper stretch for the hamstrings.

Try out this sequence that uses the wall as an assist.  I think you will enjoy your experience!

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