Yoga Breathing Practices

In these days of stress and uncertainty, we can all benefit from yoga breathing practices.  Yoga breathing has been found to lower stress and improve cardio vascular functioning.  It improves lung function and respiratory endurance, helpful in the time of a respiratory pandemic! It lowers the heart rate and promotes well-being. So, why would not take a few minutes daily to breathe?

Here are four of my favorite breathing practices:

Ujjayi Breathing- 

Alternate Nostril Breathing-

Counted Breathing-

Breath Retention Practice- 

Try some of these today and let me know how you feel.  

"For breath is life, and if you breathe well, you will live long on the earth."

Get started the right way with Yoga! Download for FREE “Top 10 List for Yoga Beginners.” Link


  1. So relaxing. Thank you for these practices! I love your helpful tonal changes, too <3

  2. I am so glad you link them! I also have them posted on Yoga Traveler in my Membership!


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