Essential Guide to the Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra

The Essential Guide to the Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra
"We shall not cease from exploration 
And the end of all our exploring 
Will be to arrive where we started 
And know the place for the first time."
-T.S. Eliot

What is the Chakra system?  Chakras are the energy sources that are placed in seven different points on the spinal column.  They are responsible for disturbing the life energy and can get out of balance. But yoga poses can help bring the chakra's into balance.  Come with me on a seven week Chakra Journey into energy balance!

The Crown Chakra energy is focused at the top of the head and is associated with the color purple and our understanding.

Do you find yourself having:*
Dissociation from the body
Spiritual addiction
Living "in your head"
Disconnection from the spirit
Excessive attachments?
Then you may have too much energy around your Crown Chakra

Do you sometimes have:*
Spiritual cynicism
A closed mind
Learning difficulties
Rigid belief systems
Then you may have too little energy around your Crown Chakra

Do you want to be balanced?  Yes! Here is what you could experience:*
Spiritual connection
Wisdom and mastery
Intelligence, presence
Open-mindedness, ability to question
Ability to assimilate and analyze information
*Learn more about the Crown Chakra with the Chakra Balancing Workbook by Anodea Judith

How can you balance your chakra with yoga?
Close your eyes and take 5 big breaths.  As you inhale, feel the energy ascend from your feet up through the crown of your head.  As you exhale, feel the energy descend from the crown of the head down into your feet.  The flow between the earth and the spirit is always intact.

Virabhadrasana A with Garudasana arms- keep your feet firmly planted but feeling vast, open, and alive!

Parivrtta Baddha Ardha Chandrasana- This pose integrates total-body awareness and provides opportunity for opening only by softening up. Find a steady gaze and the pose will become easier.

Use this pose as an opportunity to feel your feet on the ground and expand upward in a gesture of courage and willingness to connect with the infinite.  

Sirsasana- When you are balanced, you "feel" and "know" that you are one with everything that is.  There is no fear of losing what is "yours." Given this wisdom, a deep and peaceful bliss can arise.

You could also try connecting to your Crown Chakra with the essential oils of Myrrh, Sandalwood, and Frankincense.  I suggest doTERRA Essential oils!

What to know what Chakra you connect to as we take this journey together?  Try my Chakra Quiz!

Join my Journey Through the Chakras online yoga program here :


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