Essential Guide to the Vissudha (Throat) Chakra

The Essential Guide to the Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra
"By words the mind is winged." -Aristophanes

What is the Chakra system?  Chakras are the energy sources that are placed in seven different points on the spinal column.  They are responsible for disturbing the life energy and can get out of balance. But yoga poses can help bring the chakra's into balance.  Come with me on a seven week Chakra Journey into energy balance!

The Throat Chakra energy is focused at the heart and is associated with the color blue and ideas and communication.

Do you find yourself:*
Talking too much or inappropriately
Difficulty being silent
Excessive loudness?
Then you may have too much energy around your Throat Chakra

Do you sometimes have:*
Difficulty putting things in words
Fear of speaking
Speaking with a small, weak voice
Excessive shyness
Tone deafness?
Then you may have too little energy around your Throat Chakra

Do you want to be balanced?  Yes! Here is what you could experience:*
Resonant, full voice
Clear communication with others
Good communication with self
Good listener
Good sense of timing and rhythm
Lives life creatively
*Learn more about the Throat Chakra with the Chakra Balancing Workbook by Anodea Judith

How can you balance your chakra with yoga?

Halasana- By compressing the throat chakra, the pose squeezes out all negativity and opens the back of the neck. This action also stimulates the thyroid glad and is great for treating any major ailments due to an imbalanced throat chakra.

Ashtanga Namaskar- this pose is meant to represent the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga as outlined by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutra.  The front of the throat is very open in this pose.  We spend so much time using devices that keep our chin stuck to our chest so this is an intense balancing pose.

Viparita Karani asana (legs up the wall)- This is a therapeutic pose and is recommended to ease any form or stress and tension.  It relaxes the organs from the gravitational pull they face on an everyday basis, the pose changes the flow of blood.  It increases the blood flow in the neck and throat area, stimulates the thyroid gland, and expands the Vishuddha Chakra.

Matsyendrasana- Feel the chest and throat open as you roll back onto the top of the head. Press down through legs, hands, and elbows to keep your neck supported.  This pose will inspire you to speak your truth!

Salamba Sarvangasana- Much like Halasana, this pose compresses the throat and stimulates the thyroid.  Any time we are upside down, we bring blood flow to the heart and stimulate our metabolism and circulation.

You could also try connecting to your Throat Chakra with the essential oils of Tea Tree, Lavender, Geranium, Bergamot, Cypress, and Frankincense.  I suggest doTERRA Essential oils!

What to know what Chakra you connect to as we take this journey together?  Try my Chakra Quiz!

Join my Journey Through the Chakras online yoga program here :


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