Essential Guide to the Ajna (Third-Eye) Chakra
The Essential Guide to the Ajna (Third-Eye) Chakra
"The Eyes are the gateway to the soul." Shakespeare
What is the Chakra system? Chakras are the energy sources that are placed in seven different points on the spinal column. They are responsible for disturbing the life energy and can get out of balance. But yoga poses can help bring the chakra's into balance. Come with me on a seven week Chakra Journey into energy balance!
The Third Eye Chakra energy is focused in the forehead between the eyes and is associated with the color indigo and our intuition.
Do you find yourself having:*
Intrusive memories
Difficulty concentrating
Excessive fantasizing?
Then you may have too much energy around your Third-Eye Chakra
Do you sometimes have:*
Lack of imagination
Then you may have too much energy around your Third-Eye Chakra
Do you sometimes have:*
Lack of imagination
Difficulty visualizing
Excessive skepticism
Inability to see alternatives?
Then you may have too little energy around your Third-Eye Chakra
Do you want to be balanced? Yes! Here is what you could experience:*
Strong intutition
Then you may have too little energy around your Third-Eye Chakra
Do you want to be balanced? Yes! Here is what you could experience:*
Strong intutition
Penetrating insight
Creative imagination
Good memory
Good dream recall
Ability to visualize
Have a guiding vision for your life
*Learn more about the Throat Chakra with the Chakra Balancing Workbook by Anodea Judith
How can you balance your chakra with yoga?
What to know what Chakra you connect to as we take this journey together? Try my Chakra Quiz!
*Learn more about the Throat Chakra with the Chakra Balancing Workbook by Anodea Judith
How can you balance your chakra with yoga?
Dolphin pose is a great strengthener for the core and arms but you can also focus on being present in this pose by bringing your thumbs to your third eye and focusing all the attention to the eye center. Your head rush will help with his sensation.
Virabhadrasana III- Balance poses need a keen focus in order to remain steadily standing. Focus or Drishti, comes from our eyes so we can visualize standing strong and steady in this unsteady world.
Garudasana- This pose brings our hands right by our third eye and forces our focus to change as we cannot see past our hands. "Garuda" means to devour. Let this pose devour ego, doubt, fear, and clear the way for loving intention.
Humble Warrior- "For us to speak our truth, our head and our heart need to be congruent. If what we think and what we feel are in opposition to one another, the words we speak are going to be deeply influenced by that incongruence. Shoulder openers create a broad channel between the head and heart." Seane Corn.
Prasarita Padottanasana with Gomukhasana arms- Open the energy in the third eye and crown chakra here by getting the hips above the head and heart to flush the pituitary and pineal glands. This helps to ignite the heart and stimulate.
You could also try connecting to your Third-Eye Chakra with the essential oils of Basil, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, and Frankincense. I suggest doTERRA Essential oils!
What to know what Chakra you connect to as we take this journey together? Try my Chakra Quiz!
Join my Journey Through the Chakras online yoga program here :
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