
Showing posts from May, 2020

Essential Guide to the Svadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra

The Essential Guide to the Svadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra "Feelings are the texture of the soul" What is the Chakra system?  Chakras are the energy sources that are placed in seven different points on the spinal column.  They are responsible for disturbing the life energy and can get out of balance. But yoga poses can help bring the chakra's into balance.  Come with me on a seven week Chakra Journey into energy balance! The Sacral Chakra energy is focused at the lower abdomen and is associated with the color orange and feelings of desire, pleasure, sexuality, and creativity. Do you have:* Obsessive attachments Sexual addictions Addition to stimulation Excessive mood swings Excessively sensitive Poor boundaries, invasion of others Emotional dependency Instability? Then you may have too much energy around your Sacral Chakra Do you have:* Rigidity in your body, beliefs or behavior Emotional numbness or insensitivity Fear of change Lack of desire,

Essential Guide to the Muladhara (Root) Chakra

The Essential Guide to the Muladhara (Root) Chakra "If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundation under them."  -Henry David Thoreau What is the Chakra system?  Chakras are the energy sources that are placed in seven different points on the spinal column.  They are responsible for disturbing the life energy and can get out of balance. But yoga poses can help bring the chakra's into balance.  Come with me on a seven week Chakra Journey into energy balance! The Root Chakra energy is focused at the base of the spine and is associated with the color red and feelings of security, survival, and stability. Do you have: Heaviness, sluggishness, slow movements Resistance to change Overeating Material fixation Workaholism Excessive spending? Then you may have too much energy around your Root Chakra Do you have: Fear, anxiety Resistance to structure Underweight Spaciness, flightiness

Yoga changed my life

I have always been a physical person.  I grew up dancing ballet and continued to teach ballet until I had my second child.  I participated in heavy hitting cardio classes until I was 39 weeks pregnant with my third child.  Then I had that third child: My family in 2011: Me and Pants, Bear 5 yrs, Bub 2 1/2 yrs, and Josh You see that happy looking family?  What is really going on with the sweet mom there? I always struggled a bit with postpartum depression and my third pregnancy rocked me.  Since Josh and I were outnumbered, I felt that I had to stop doing anything for "me." I felt guilty for giving more attention to the baby than my other kids and I became angry and resentful.  I cried every night as the sun set.  After 10 months of these feelings, Josh finally said, "You need to get some exercise."  I remember looking at him like, "how is that even an option?"  I felt that I needed permission to take care of myself.  I could not fathom dragging mys